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Feast Menu
"Street Food Across the Ages"
Chicken Skewers
Lamb Skewars
Falafel, Gluten Free
Pompeian Proto-Pizza
Salad Bar style vegetable array with sauces and dressings
Flat Bread
Non-Alcoholic Mulled Juice​​
Served from 13.00 in the Walled Garden
(indoor seating available, the Knot Garden also open)
Head Cook
Baron Meliton
Ball Coordinator
Lord John Yarrowe
A&S Coordinator
Honourable Lady Bronwen Selwyn
Rapier Marshal
Taliesin Denet
Hall Steward
Viscount Joel ben Stuart
Site Dresser
Lady Amy of Osgoldencross
Herald in Charge
Lord Captain Kenneth Elliot
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