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What do you do on the weekends?


We get together at events, practices, and demos happening in Flintheath, as well as many others within our Principality of Insulae Draconis (the UK, Ireland, and Iceland) throughout the year.

Events are the major activity in the SCA. These are where we wear our medieval clothing, cook and serve the recipes we’ve been researching, play and dance to the music we’ve been practicing, socialize with old friends, make new ones, and generally have a good time.

In between larger events, Flintheath hosts get-togethers, maybe a day of activities to enjoy a pot-luck feast, learn a new craft skill, or practice for upcoming tournaments. There are also active social media channels, where people chat about their medieval interests and help each other out with projects.

If you are new to the SCA and are planning to attend your first event, please visit the Insulae Draconis website to learn

What to expect at your first event!

Your membership status is required to participate.

     In order to be covered by our insurance, your membership status is required.

     Please submit your membership status 3 days in advance (deadline, Tuesday at 6pm) to take part in any Saturday practice or Flintmoot (deadline, Saturday at 6pm for Wednesday practices).

     For members, your membership info persists for all practices and Flintmoots until your expiry date (you'll receive an email when your membership expires to remind you to renew). You're automatically covered moving forward.

     Non-members must submit their info 3 days before EVERY practice or Flintmoot they plan to attend. Please note - membership is not required. Submission of membership status is.

     A full explanation and the form to submit your membership status can be found at this website.

     Please contact the Shire webminister at if you have any questions or need more information - thanks!

Events are a great way to meet people interested in the same things you are, and experience tournaments, royal courts, feasts, and medieval entertainments. Hope to see you there!

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